Can I have beef, coffee, red wine or chocolate? What about fish? How much is too much? Not really sure what is actually good for you anymore? Don’t delay starting your "12-Week New Beginnings Program" today.
We are all busy with work, home life, social life and everything else that gets in the way. Our weight and health seem to take a back seat until it’s almost too late. It seems like eating nutritiously is getting harder and more confusing with every new study that comes out.
If you're ready to get off the diet roller coaster and learn how to eat to revitalize your body and your health, keep reading to learn more about our 10 - Week NEW BEGINNINGS Program.
The “12-Week NEW BEGINNINGS” Difference:
# 1: Personalized Plans
No 2 people are the same. You are a unique individual with your own needs, wants and goals. Our “12-Week NEW BEGINNINGS Program” assesses your goals and current state of health, which includes a body composition assessment in order to design a plan that is specifically tailored just for you. No cookie cutter diet plans here!
# 2: Focus on Body Composition Improvement
Your total weight in pounds is made up of water, bones, blood, organs, muscle and fat. While on your “12-Week NEW BEGINNINGS Program” plan you will be losing fat. We closely monitor you to ensure that the loss in pounds you see on the scale every week is coming from fat, not water or muscle.
# 3: Values the Body as a Whole
We can get you to improve your body composition, no problem, but our main goal is to improve the quality of your health in a measurable way. Part of your complimentary Nutrition Assessment includes a health analysis where we evaluate your current level of health and any health related symptoms you experience.
# 4: Education is The Top Priority
“12-Week NEW BEGINNINGS Program” was created to provide all clients with a solid understanding of scientifically valid nutrition and lifestyle habits. Each week you will learn and understand key aspects of nutrition that will motivate you to change your habits. Like Oprah always says “When you know better, you do better”.
Your “12-Week NEW BEGINNINGS Program” Includes:
- Complimentary Nutrition Assessment
- Personalized Nutrition (and weight loss) plan
- Pocket Food List
- Weekly Education Sessions
- Food Journal Review
- Email Support
- Motivation and Coaching
Our “12-Week NEW BEGINNINGS Program” will be solution for YOU if you…
- Want to improve your body composition
- Are interested in focusing on eating foods that are health promoting
- Need to decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol and improve good (HDL) cholesterol
- Want to reduce blood pressure
- Must improve your blood glucose levels
- Want to learn easy to follow and implement nutrition strategies
- Desire balanced energy levels
- Crave restful sleep
- Must reduce stress levels
- Want to age optimally
- Want to feel sexy, happy and healthy
What clients have to say:
How has this program influenced your life?
HF: This program has shown me how to pair foods to get the best value in what I am eating
JK: I have more energy, my stomach doesn't hurt any more.
MJ: I learned many things that will stay with me for a long time.
SW: When I started this program I was not feeling very confident about my body.. My clothes were tight, my energy was low, my eating and drinking habits were poor, and I was not exercising at all. I actually thought I was experiencing pre-menopause and went to the doctor for blood work and tests. I was not sleeping well, my stress levels were high and as a result, I was not a happy person. After the 12 weeks, I'm actually wearing my daughter's jeans, my energy levels returned, as did the smile on my face :) Stress is less of an issues as I'm a more relaxed and balanced person. I now have a focus and am over half-way to reaching my overall goal of losing 25 pounds. I now am anxious to get back into the gym and perhaps enter a half-marathon run for the year to come!
SSL: I was able to lose 15lbs in 12 weeks and I have gained so much information about the foods I eat and put into my body.
WS: I eat much healthier and I feel better. I lost 10 pounds and plan to lose more with my eating plan. I have more energy and my clothes feel great.
JG: The program has changed my life for the better. I feel great!
For the first time ever I feel in control of my body and my eating. It all makes perfect sense to me now and I love that everything has become a habit so I don’t feel like I am being deprived or feel the need to go back to my old habits.
I really enjoy my weekly food prep sessions and find myself looking forward to soup making day!
Has this program changed your family's eating habits? if so, explain how?
HF: Yes, I implement more veg & protein in cooking for my family.
JK: It has changed to eating healthier and 3 times a day, making more food that is wholesome.
SW: Education was key to changing my eating habits...I now consciously eat protein with my fruit, when shopping I try to buy organic, lunch is a meal of green-leafy veggies and I try to avoid cheese and starchy carbohydrates. I have also cut back on my drinking habits, and enjoy wine on the weekends instead of indulging throughout the week. Sugar is now avoided when possible and we are experimenting with various healthy recipes of dinners instead of ordering out three times a week!
SSL: Yes it has. I try to read the labels more and make better choices so that we can put nutritious food on the table. They also like to eat more fresh veggies than they used to and I am always able to explain what the label means so they are also aware when they make a food choice if it is good for them or not.
WS: We eat healthier and have more vegetables and less pasta and bread.
JG:Yes it has changed their eating habits, as they eat the healthier meals I plan. They are also better at reading labels now that I am diligently doing this myself.
What did you like most about the program?
HF: The support.
JK: The one-on-one meetings and followup comments. New, interesting facts & recipes that have helped me adapt.
MJ: I enjoyed the weekly meetings as it held me accountable. I also enjoyed all the knowledge I am now empowered with.
SW: This program encourages eating healthy meals instead of referring to the usual "diet" program. As such, it was about educating the client on all aspects of one's health: stress, sleep, labels, supplements, glycemic index, etc...I didn't feel the need to binge as the food pairings were perfect and I wasn't craving high-sugar products. Measurements were taken at the beginning of the program and compared at the end of the 12 weeks...in addition to being weighed every week so progress could be recorded. This motivated me to stick to the program as I really wanted to reach my goal weight.
SSL: I enjoyed having someone to turn too when I had a question and having her support to get me through when I didn't think I could get through it on my own. She wanted the same thing that I wanted for myself to get healthy! I also enjoyed seeing the program work as I lost weight.
WS: It was easy with lots of one-on-one support. Great topics every week.
JG: The individualized program worked great for me.
I like that it was spread over 12 weeks (or more, in my case) and having to check in weekly made me accountable.
I loved the holistic nature of the program and working with a holistic nutritionist and naturopath.
Doing the cleanse was great as I have never done one and it helped me feel in control of my body.
What did you learn from the program?
HF: I learned about the importance of eating more frequently and adding more protein into my meal/snack planning
JK: I learned how to read labels, the proper nutrition that we need. I also learned that I am gluten and dairy sensitive.
MJ: Portion size, the effect of sleep and stress and that having a bad day is okay
SW: During the 12 weeks, so much information was taught and often questions initiated a discussion about certain types of foods, label ingredients, stress, sleep, etc. Of interest to me included items like pesticides, Farm Box program, Bowden Farms, sugar substitutes i.e. stevia and the effect of dairy products on your body (as I used to overindulge in cheese). The use of supplements was extremely useful and I now take certain vitamins and stress supplements on a regular basis which I find has made a huge impact to my life. The importance of exercise was always known, but to commit and follow-through with that commitment is always at the forefront of my day now. This program has refocussed the importance of my overall health and well-being. You only live once and I intend on making the most of my life!
SSL: How to read labels to make better choices
- That stress plays a big role in how your body handles the food you put in it
- Some of the foods I thought were healthy are not necessarily healthy and need to be eaten in a certain way
- That it is important to be taking certain vitamins and probiotic to help my system digest and aid in my health. (Before this I was clueless about this)
- How sleep is a very important part of your weight loss and your body being able to work properly to digest your food
- That if we put in the time to be organized with our food we can change our body and our health
JG: I learned so much that I can’t list it all here! But my key learning’s are to follow the eating plan, including focusing on protein to keep me feeling full and to eat a variety of foods, that supplements are important, and that regular exercise, both cardio and weight training are necessary.
Would you recommend this program to a friend or family member?
HF: Yes, definitely.
JK: I would totally recommend this program to anyone! Tanya is very knowledgeable and makes learning fun!
MJ. Absolutely
SW: I would definitely recommend this program to friends and family members. Food choices and healthy recipes are now part of my conversations with my mother-in-law. People are noticing the weight loss and I am passing on the information learned and recommending Tanya and Cheryl's expertise.
SSL: Yes I would definitely recommend this program. I learned so much valuable information about how I should eat and the nutrition of the foods I eat. I will always have the information and knowledge with me wherever I go and I am very grateful for that.
WS: Absolutely, Tanya is wonderful and has so much knowledge.
JG: YES I would most definitely recommend the program and I have been!